The Effects of Fertilizer Application Level and Top-dressing Method on the Yield Component and Fruit Yield of Lycium chinense MILL

시비량과 분시방법이 포기자의 수량형질에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1986.12.01


This study was conducted to investigate the proper fertilizer application level and top-dressing method of Lycium chinense MILL in 1984 and 1985. The results obtained were summerized as follows; Stem length was 4cm longer, leaf area was 45-490$\textrm{cm}^2$ larger, dry matter weight per plant was 1.6-5g heavier and average yield of dry fruit of two years was higher as 183kg per l0a in double amount of potassium( 14kg/l0a) application than in standard level of potassium(7kg/l0a). Highly positive correlation was found between absorption amount of inorganic elements of phosporus(l%), nitrogen, potassium(5%) and dry matter weight. Proper fertilizer application level was 13.8kg(N), 14.2kg(P) and 14.3kg(K) per l0a. Dry fruit yield of top-dress-ing plot was 20% heigher than that of basal dressing plot through increase of leaf area per plant and dry matter weight per plant.

포기자의 시비적량과 알맞는 분류방법을 구명코저 시험을 실시하여 얻은 결과를 요약하면 1. N14P$_2$O$_{5}$7K$_2$O14kg/10a(표준비) 보다 N14P$_2$O$_{5}$14K$_2$O14k/10a 시비시 경장은 4cm길었고, 엽면적은 45~490$\textrm{cm}^2$가 많았으며, 주당건물중은 1.6~5gr이 무거웠다. 2. 1984~1985년 2개년 건과중 표준비의 171kg/10a보다, N14P$_2$O$_{5}$21K$_2$O14kg/10a 시용은 185kg/10a로 8%증수되었으며, 3. 엽의 3요소 흡수량과 건물중은 P$_2$O$_{5}$는 1%, N과 $K_2$O는 5% 수준에서 유의성이 인정되었으며, 경제성을 감안한 10a시비 적량은 N은 13.8kg, P$_2$O$_{5}$는14.2kg, $K_2$O는 14.3kg이었다. 4. 시비방법중 3요소의 분시시용은 3요소 기비시용보다, 주당 엽면적과 건물중의 증대로 인해 건과중이 20% 많았으며, 낙엽은 전혀 되지 않아 합리적인 시비방법으로 사료되었다.
