Ordination Analysis on the Forest Communities of Mt. Changan , Chonbuk

序列法에 依한 全北 長安山 森林群落 分析

  • Published : 1991.06.01


The analyses of correlation, enviromental gradient, continuum and polar ordination methods were used for studing on relationships between forest vegetation and their habitats in Mt. changan, chagsu-gun, korea. influencing correlation of moisture index to the main 41species from the study area they were composed of several groups by leading species of quercus mongoulica, that of carpinus tschonoskii and that of fraxinus mandshurica. On the other hand, it was found three communities in different habitats by environmental gradient i.e. each community of f. mandshurica, mangnolia sieboldii and hydrangea serrata for. acuminata have occurred in moist place, that of c. teschonoskii and q. serrata, in mesic and that of q. mongolica, q.variabilis, rhododendron schlippenbachii, in dry. in addition an occupied distribution area was investigated according to continuum index e.g. cornus controversa,betula costata,q. variabilis, q. serrata and q. mongolica over altitudinal 800m were distributed to a habitat were forming climax by q. mongolica, and/or c. controversa, f. mandshurica, q. serrata and c. tschonoskii under altitudinal 800m were done, by g. tschonoskii. while the forest vegetation of the area was classified into 6 communities such as q. mongolica community, q. variabilis community,q. serrata community, g. tschonoskii community,c. controversa community and f. mandshurica community by means of polar ordination analysis and these have come under the influence of environmental factors.
