An Evaluation of Time Use and Economic Value of Housework in Korea

한국주부가 가사노동시간과 경제적 가치 평가

  • 김정희 (대구대학교 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1993.12.01


The Objects of this study are: 1. To compare the housework time of housewives by region and employment status. 2. To compare the economic value of housework by region and employment status. 3. To evaluate the economic value of housework by each method. The subjects of this study were 815 housewives living in Taegu and Kyungsangpookdo. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentile, T-test, ANOVA and Seheffe test by SPSS PC programs: 1) The average housework time was 7.8hours per day. Full-time housewives spent 8.2hours and employed housewives spent 6.7hours to housework. 2) Partially there were significant difference in economic value of housework by employment status. 3) Estimates of economic value of housework by each method of evaluation are : (unit : won) sample mean method monthly (1) Specialized substitute method 587,080 (2) Overall substitute method 760,640 (3) Opportunity cost method 556,060 (4) Reservation wage method 534,070 (5) Subjective evalution method 644,540
