Dyeing of Cotton Fabric with Natural Dye (I) ―Safflower―

천연염료에 의한 면섬유 염색 (I) ―홍 화―

  • Nam, Sung Woo (Dept. of Textile Eng., SungKyunKwan Univ., Suwon, Korea) ;
  • Chung, In Mo (Sericulture and Entomology Research Institute, R.D.A., Suwon, Korea) ;
  • Kim, In Hoi (Dept. of Textile Eng., SungKyunKwan Univ., Suwon, Korea)
  • Published : 1995.06.01


Safflower is natural red dye largely used for dyeing on cotton. It contains yellowish safflower yellow and reddish carthamin, whose constitution is known. Safflower yellow is water-soluble dye and carthamin is solved in alkaline condition. Carthamon obtained by adding acidic solution to a carthamin shows the original hue of safflower. In present study, the dyeing behavior of natural dye known as safflower are examined in an aqueous acidic medium by use of the different dyeing methods such as traditional, modern and purifide-powder method. The relationship between the dye-uptake of cotton fabric investigated by the three methods and the various dyeing conditions is discussed.
