Nutrition Knowledge of Elementary School children in Seoul and Kangnung Area

서울과 강릉지역 국민학생의 영양지식에 관한 연구

  • 김은경 (강릉대학교 산업대학 식품과학과)
  • Published : 1995.10.01


This study was designed to determine the level of nutrition knowledge of 3,390 elementary school children in Seoul and Kangnung, and to examine the relationship of demographic characteristics of children to nutrition knowledge. Nutrition knowledge was measured by modified NATs (Nutrition Achievement Tests developed by National Dairy Council and Iowa State University). Higher nutrition knowledge, correlated with increasing parental educational level, lower parental age, and higher socioeconomic status. However, there was no difference in total test scores between children in Seoul and Kangnung. Item scores indicated children had more knowledge about 'physiological facts' and 'food handling', and limited knowledge about 'nutrients' and 'nutrition and society'. Children, both in Seoul and Kangnung, lacked an undestanding of many basic principles of nutrition. These results suggest several areas to emphasize when developing nutrition education materials. Modified NATs in this study may be used to assess nutrition education needs of children, to evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition education program, and to compare nutrition achievement of different groups.



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