Antimetastatic effect of several crude drugs with antitumor activity on B16-Fo and A549 cells ( I )

항암활성 수종생약의 B16-Fo와 A549 암세포에 대한 항전이 효과( I )

  • Published : 1996.04.30


For the development of antimetastatic agent 41 kinds of crude drugs were used for the evaluation of inhibitory effect of several crude drugs on cell adhesion of pulmonary cancer cells and platelet aggregation. Results were obtained as follows: 1. Water extracts of crude drugs inhibited cell adhesion of A549 to complex extracelluar matrix over 40 % of contol were Houttuyniae Herba, Mylabris, Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Meliae Cortex, Ferula Resina, Oldenlandiae diffusae Herba at the higher concentration of $10^{-3}g/ml$ while those inhibiting cell adhesion of Bl6-Fo over 40 % of control were $10^{-5}g/ml$ of Houttuyniae Herba, Aurantii Fructus, Lithospermi Radix, Zedoariae Rhizoma. Prunellae Spica, Foeniculi Fructus, Rbei Radix, Scutellariae Radix, Meliae Cortex, Ferula Resina and Oldenlandiae diffusae Herba. 2. MeOH extracts of crude drugs at the concentration of $4{\times}10^{-4}g/ml$ inhibiting cell adhesion of A549 specifically to single extracelluar matrix over 40 % of control were Lithospermi Radix, Agrimoniae Herba, Rhei Radix and Ferula Resina to collagen I, Houttuyniae Herba, Lithospermi Radix, Bupleuri Radix, Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix, Orostachys Herba, Sappan Lignum, Meliae cortex ferula Resina and Coicis Semen to collagen Ⅳ, Mylabris, Agrimoniae Herba to laminin, Houttuyniae Herba and Meliae Cortex to fibronectin. 3. NeOH extracts of crude drugs at the concentration of $4{\times}10^{-4}g/ml$ inhibiting cell adhesion of B16-Fo specifically to single extracelluar matrix over 60 % of control were Lithospermi Radix, Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix, Meliae Cortex and Ferula Resina to collagen I, Lithospermi Radix, Bupleun Radix, Saiviae miltiorrhizae Radix, Ferula Resina and Acanthopanacis Cortex to collagen Ⅳ, Bupleuri Radix, Orostachys Herba to laminin, Houttuyniae Herba to fibronectin. 4. MeOH extracts of crude drugs inhibiting platelet aggregation over 40% of ADP control were at the concentration of $50{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Houttuyniae Herba, Angilicae gigantis Radix, Zedoariae Rhizoma. Coicis Semen and $100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Ferula Resina, Orostachys Herba, Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix, Curcumac Radix, Carthami Flos, Lithospermi Radix, Gleditsiae Spina, Sappan Lignum, Acanthopanacis Cortex. These results suggest that several crude drugs including Ferula Resina, Houttuyniae Herba, Lithospermi Radix and Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix chiefly have more possibility to exert antimetastatic activity and require in vivo antimetastatic study.



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