Identification and Growth Inhibition of Phytotoxic Substances from Artemisia scoparia

바쑥의 독성물질 확인과 생장억제작용

  • Published : 1996.08.01


KDICical substances from Artemisia scoparia were analyzed by gas chromatography. Seven phenolic compounds and thirty nine terpenoids were identified. Most abundant within each group were cinnamic acid and camphor, respectively. The KDICicals were prepared as aqueous extracts and then used for germination, growth, and chlorophyll content tests. The extracts were inhibitory to germination and seedling growth of the receptor lants. This inhibitory effect was dependent on concentration. When the effect of the aqueous extract on chlorophyll content was assayed, both chlorophylls a and b were shown to be reduced. The reduction in seedling elongation and growth in dry weight paralleled the reduction in chlorophyll concentration. These KDICical substances, including phenolic compounds and terpenoids, from Artemisia scoparia were responsible for the growth inhibition of the selected species.



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