1226-0983 A Study on Prevalence of Obesity, Eating Habits and Life Styles of 5th Grade Students in Inchon

인천시내 초등학교 5학년생의 비만실태와 식습관 및 생활습관에 관한 연구

  • 유정순 (인하대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 최윤진 (인하대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김인숙 (인하대학교 가정대학 식품양양학과) ;
  • 장경자 (인하대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 천종희 (인하대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.02.01


The purpose of this survey was to investigate the prevalence of obesity, eating habits and life styles of children. This survey was carried out anthropometry and questionnaires in 180 male and 141 female students of fifth-grade at Dongmak elementary school. The results are summarized as follows : 1)18.2% of the male and 19.3% of female students were obese. Underweight group was 10.5% of the male and 15.0% of the female students. 2) Average height of male and female students were 142.0㎝, 144.0㎝ and weight of those were 35.8㎏ and 37.1㎏ respectively. The height and skinfold thickness of the triceps in female students were significantly higher than those of male students and body fat content in female students was significantly lower than that of male students. There was no difference in BMI, RW and RI between male and female students. The average BMI, RW, RI were 17.7, 25.4, 124.0, respectively. 3) The student's height was positively related to parent's height and moth's weight. There were significantly positive correlation between mother's and subject's weight. BMI, RW and RI were positively related to parent's BMI. 4) 78.3% of male and 51.8% of female students had prejudice for special food, and 45.5% of male and 34.5% of female students had an overeating habit. Male students had significanthy higher rate than female in both cases. Average eating time per meal was 18.9 minutes for male and 21.0 minutes for female students. Experience for taking nutrient supplement in male student was more than that in female. Obese group had prejudice for special food, overeating habit and rapid eating rate more than any other groups. The prevalence of obesity among the children is gradually increasing. Therefore, in order to prevent progress into adulthood obesity, nutrition education including the right perception for obesity and eating behavior modification was needed.
