Development of Optimum Management System for Irrigation Facilities

수리시설물 최적관리 시스템 개발

  • Published : 1997.04.01


For the efficient operation and maintenance( 0 & M), irrigation facilities were graded on the basis of their indices related to the 0 & M condition and the characteristics of reservoirs managed by Farmland Improvement Association(FIA) were examined. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Characteristics of reservoirs include effective storage capacity, irrigation area, basin area, height and length of bank. Each characteristic is scored by the principle component analysis method. Variables which compose one index are categorized on the basis of their unit and each variable is scored so that the score of each unit sums to 100 for each index. 2. The Optimum MAnagement System of Irrigation Facilities(OMASIF) for Pyoungtaek area was developed by connecting general data of the irrigation facilities to image data. The database system is divided into three tables; LookUp Table, Facility Table, and Image Table. Image Table is again divided into five sub-tables, Image Table, Construction Cost Table, Acreage Table, 0 & M Cost Table, and Specification Table. 3. The evaluating criteria for the 0 & M of irrigation facilities can be established using the OMASIF. Irrigation facilities evaluated as poor state by the criteria should be repaired.



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