A Study of the Comprehension and Preference of Consumers to Four Different Formats of Nutrition Label

영양표시 양식에 따른 소비자의 이해도와 선호도 조사연구

  • 장순옥 (수원대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.07.01


Nutrition label (NL) on the package of processed food provides consumers with a reliable and consistent source of information . It has been considered as a useful aid for food selection and a potent educational tool for nutrition in daily life. Since current nutrition labeling regulation in Korea does not define a format for presenting nutrition information a wide variety of NL format exists in the markers created by individual manufacturers. Development of standard NL format and its registration remain to be the work for the professionals and government officials. However the acceptance and evaluation of NL by the consumers is a very important and necessary process in the development of NL formats. In this study four different formats A, B, C, D were formulated based on currently circulating labels and new U.S.NL. Subjects used for evaluation of these formats were middle -aged highly educated housewives, who and the potential users of NL. Major parameters observed through the questionnare were their nutritional knowledge of RDA, ability of IC(Information Comparison) and CA (Comprehension and Application of informed nutrient contents), as well as their preference to the different formats. The results are summarized as follows. 1) Of the 178 subjects , 89.9% of the middleaged housewives were college graduates. Their nutrition knowledge of RDA were relatively satisfactory showing over 80% correlation on the basic concepts and unit while for numerical value less than 50% correct answer. 2) IC test scores were significantly different among the formats showing the highest values for format A and B which are presented as absolute value and % RDA, respectively. Format C presented as serving size(number of products) showed the lowest score. CA scores were also significantly different, though the increased load of information did not facilitate to increase the consumers comprehension. 3) RDA knowledge test scores and the scores of IA and CA were correlated in format A and D but not in format B and C suggesting % RDA presentation would be more acceptable to the less educated group. 4) For the preference in the aspects of easiness and time-saving format A was the best one then format D supporting the result of IC and CA test. The results of the present study indicate the most useful and preferred format is the simplest format presented as absolute value without RDA, . The secondly preferred format is the new NL format of the US with much information .



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