Evaluation of National School Foodservice Management : Labor Control Menu Management , and Maintenance of Equipments and Facilities

전국 초등학교 급식 관리 실태조사

  • 정현주 (서울대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.07.01


The purpose of this survey was to investigate the operation and the environment of foodservice in elementary schools nationwide. A questionnaire about foodservice management to practice and foodservice operation was mailed to dietitians of each school . Of the 1, 416 schools that participated in this survey, 388 schools were selected for analysis. The main results of this study are as follows. More schools in small cities . Education levels of dietitians were significantly different from area to area. Mean total length of employment for dietitians at school foodservice was 4.7 years and varied significantly by area and the type of foodservice system. Foodservice has been operated for 2-5 years in most of schools. Schools in large cities served more people than those in small cities and rural areas. Also , schools adapting conventional foodservice system served more people than those adapting commissary or joint management system. Foodservice expense also veried significantly by area and foodservice systems. Mean foodservice expense per meal were significantly higher in schools adapting commissary system than those adapting other systems. Most schools employed dietitians, cooks, and assistant cooks, but not engineers not drivers. Mothers of students were working voluntarily. The degree of participation by mothers in cooking , serving , and cleaning was higher in schools of small cities and rural areas than those in large cities, in schools adapting commissary or joint management system than those adapting conventional system. Education and training ranked as personnel management had one of the hardest tasks. Education and training of employees were also difficult for dietitians, especially in commissary or joint management systems. Percentage of schools having separate lunchroom was higher in small cities rural areas than in large cities, in joint management or commissary system than conventional system. Most difficult matters in serving was the portion control. Over 40% of schools did not use standard recipes. Menu cycles were shorter in schools in small cities and rural areas which adapted the joint management system than area other schools. Except refrigerators, thermos , display racks, sterilizers, sinks, worktables, and table, all other equipment were insufficient in most of schools. More than half of the schools didn't have rice cookers, flatware racks, and distributing carts which are stated plainly in detailed enforcement regulations for school foodservice. Cooking equipments were described as the most needed by dietians. According to the results of this survey, many and urgent problems need to be addressed improve the quality of school foodservice . Lunchroom setups, effective personnel management and expenses, recipes standardization, serving size control and regular checking and repairing of equipments are all problems to be addressed.



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