Induction of Local and General Analgesia by Electroacupuncture in Dogs

개에 있어서 침술에 의한 국소 및 전신마취에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1997.06.01


This study was performed to evaluate the possibility of inducing analgesia by electroacupuncture stimulation at single acupoint or combined acupoints and to examine the analgesic effects following the combination of premedication and electroacupunrture analgesia(EA). Analgesia was induced by EA with the current of 1-4 volts and the frequency of 10-45 Hz to the acupoints Uown to be related to analgesia on the head/necIL axial part thoracic and pelvic limb. In Yi Feng acupoint of head/neck part pain responses were not disappeared after electroacupunrture stimulation to the head/necIL thoracic limbo thoraxl abdomen, loin, rear and pelvic limb. Pain responses were remained after EA of Tian Men-Tian Ping and Shen Yu arupoints of axial park whereas hypoalgesia was observed after EA of Tian Ping-Bai Hui acupoint in all parts of body. There was no analgesic effects after EA stimulation of the brachial plexus and Wai Kuan acupoint, whereas after EA stimulation of San Yang Lo, pain responses were disappeared in headfnecll, thoracic limb and pelvic limbo and in the other parts of body hypoalgesia was shown. In EA stimulation of Tsu San Li acupoint pain responses were disappeared in pelvic limb and in San Yin Chiao acupoint pain responses were disappeared in head/necIL thoracic and pelvic limb, and hypoalgesia was shown in abdomen. On the combination of San Yang Lo Pli Men) and San Yin Chiao (Pu Yan6 acupoints, pain response in heauneck was decreased in 5 minutes, whereas analgesia in thoracic and pelvic limb was induced after 20-30 minutes and in abdomen was noted after 50 minutes. The more frequrncy was increased, the more rapid analgesic e11%t was induced. The analgesic effects wert not good in laparotomy under EA at the combination of San Yang Lo (Xi Men) and San Yin Chiao (Pu Yang) arufoints. Enteroanastomosis could not be continued under acrpromazine, xylazine and diazepam with EA. However, under EA followed by tiletaminetzolazepam, the operation could be completed without additional anesthesia and the analgesic effects were good. There were no changes in clinical signs, hematological and serological values after combination of the premeditation of tiletamine+zolaEepam and EA. It is considered that EA alone is not suitable for the main surgery, but the combination method of EA and sedatives can be utilized in practice.



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