A Study on Hybrid LB-TJW Algorithm for Multimedia Traffic Control

멀티미디어 트래픽 제어를 위한 Hybrid LB-TJW 알고리즘에 관한 연구

  • 이병수 (중외메디칼㈜) ;
  • 구경옥 (영동전문대학 사무자동화과) ;
  • 박성곤 (원주전문대학 전산정보처리과) ;
  • 조용환 (충북대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • Published : 1997.04.01


In this paper, the hybrid LB-TJW(Leaky Bucket-Triggered Jumping Window) algorithm for multimedia traffic control is proposed and its performance is evaluated and analyzed. Its architecture is composed of the peak bit rate controller and the average bit rate controller. Generally, the cell which violates the peak bit rate is discraded in LBalgorithm, and the average bit rate of JW or TJW algorithm is better than that of LB algorithm. However, the hybrid LB-TJW algorithm passes it though the network if the cell does not violate the peak bit rate. If the cell violates the peak bit rate, the hybrid LB-TJW algorithm passes it to the average bit rate controller which perforithm to monitor the average bit rate of input traffic. The TJW algorithm monitors the cell that violates the average bit rate. If the cell does not violate the average bit rare, the LB-TJW algorithm passes it through the network. As simulation results, the cell loss rate and the buffer size of the LB-TJW algorithm is reduced to half as much as those of LB algortihm.



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