A Study on the Use of Supplementary Teaching Materials and Implements in the High School Home Economics Education

고등학교 가정과 교육에서 보조학습 교재.교구의 활용실태 연구

  • Published : 1997.06.01


This study was conducted to obtain basic materials to improve the teaching method of Home Economics by theoretically looking into the supplementary teaching materials or implements usable in teaching Costume History area. And based on these data, the types and the applications of the supplementary teaching materials or implements highschool owned were examined. The subjects of this study were 111 Home Economics and Housework curriculum highschool teachers who give a lecture in the country by using self-administered questionnaires. SAS program was used to calculate frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and $\chi$(sup)2-test analysis. The results of the study were as follows; 1. Most of the highschool teachers used the school expenses for experiments in preparing the supplementary teaching materials or implements. 2. Of the supplementary teaching materials and implements concerning Costume History, visual implements such as slides and pictures were the mostly owned. CD and audio implements as cassette-tapes were not used. 3. Most of the teachers recognized the importance of the audio-visual teaching materials and implements concerning Costume History. 4. Among the audio-visual materials and implements concerning Costume History by which can be made by school teachers of Home Economics and Housework curriculum, the mostly used one was ‘cutting pictorials from magazines and newspapers’, and the next were ‘orbital materials’, and ‘copy the pictorials’, and the least was ‘recording from the radio’. 5. Most of the annual expenses assigned to the department of Home Economics was used in cooking practice, and the least of the expenses was assigned in buying audio-visual teaching materials and implements. 6. Time assigned to the area of Home Economics was for the most part one or two hours per week, and among this, time assigned to the history of western costume and the history ok korean costume was for the most part five to eight hours. 7. The areas that the highschool teachers felt difficulties mostly during clothing and textiles curriculum were ‘textiles’and the next were ‘knitting’, ‘western costume history’, and ‘korean clothing construction’. 8. The difficulties the highschool teachers faced while teaching Costume History were mostly that ‘the pictorials in the text is not fully explainable’, the next were ‘most of the supplementary teaching materials or implements are not owned’, ‘have to explain very much in a short time’, and ‘the lectural explanation is insufficient’. 9. The solution for the difficulties that the highschool teachers faced while teaching Costume History was mostly ‘the information, on which audio-visual materials and implements are distributed in the market, should be easy to obtain’, the next opinions were ‘the school should provide enough experiment and practice expenses to buy audio-visual materials and implements’, and ‘education facilities of the Home Economics Department should be the main aspects in improving the teaching methods and should give special lectures about it’.



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