A Study on the image of ‘home life’

‘가정생활’의 이미지에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1997.12.01


The purpose of this study are to analyze the images of‘home life’through the goals of 1st-6th secondary Home Economics education curriculums and to identify the images of ‘home life’held by undergraduate students(83). As results, in the goals of 1st-6th secondary Home Economics education curriculums, 1) the term of ‘home life’is used most frequently, and ‘home life’is confused with ‘daily life’. 2) ‘Home life’is used directly or expressed with clothing life, food life, shelter life, consumer life, etc. in the curriculum goals. 3) ‘Home life’is dealt differently with ‘family life’. 4) The image of “home life”has showed traditional sex role identification. In the replies of undergraduate students, the images are classified with following:1) the images of ‘home’were expressed warmth(hearth), relexation(ease or comfort), sharing, basic unit of society, and conflict and oppression. 2) The images of ‘home life’were expressed hearth, sharing, conflict(interaction), relexation(ease or comfort or sability), routine(act or household art), basic unit(shelter), responsibility and obligation, and reproduction(biological meaning). 3) The images of ‘daily life’were expressed routine(simplicity of boring or routine acts), comfort(stability), oppression, diverse activities in everyday, human relationship, and social life.



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