Study on Improvement Strategies for Urban Riverscape

도시 하천경관의 개선방향에 관한 연구 - 하천경관 유축의 구도에 대한 시각적.심리적 인과관계를 중심으로 -

Kim, Yong-Su;Kim, Su-Bong

  • Published : 1998.12.31


This paper aims to highlight the relations amongst visual preference and image and the volume of viewing as a physical element in riverscape in axis to suggest basic guideline of improvement strategies of urban riverscape in the case of Shinchon River in Taegu. The research findings were; (1) The volume of water and green in river play an important role increasing the preference of riverscape in axis. (2) Three main factors, such as the amenity factor, the nature factor and the variety factor enable to explain the image of riverscape in axis. (3) Physical elements like water, Jonghoengdansisol (bridge or elevated road etc), and vehicles near river are three major elements affecting the preference of rivers cape in axis. But, Jonghoengdansisol (bridge or elevated road etc) and vehicles near river are the negative elements affecting the preference of riverscape in axis. (4) The analysis of relations between the image and visual volume of riverscape in axis shows that water plays positively but Jonghoengdansisol (bridge or elevated road etc) plays negatively for the relations. All the research findings suggest that riverscape improvement strategy should focuses on how to increase the volume of water and green in river and how to effectively remove negative elements like " concrete facilities" and vehicles near river. It is probable that the recent " Close-to-Nature River" movement, which considers the coexistence of Man with Nature, is one of the solutions to improve the quality of urban riverscape.



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