Optimum Soaking Condition of Raw Soybean for Meju Preparation

메주 제조를 위한 원료 대두의 최적 침지 조건

  • Im, Moo-Hyeog (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Choi, Jong-Dong (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Chung, Hyun-Chae (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Choi, Choeng (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Choi, Kwang-Soo (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Yeungnam University)
  • 임무혁 (영남대학교 식품가공학과) ;
  • 최종동 (영남대학교 식품가공학과) ;
  • 정현채 (영남대학교 식품가공학과) ;
  • 최청 (영남대학교 식품가공학과) ;
  • 최광수 (영남대학교 식품가공학과)
  • Published : 1998.08.01


In order to establish scientific foundations for the production of meju, optimum soaking conditions of raw soybean were investigated. 100% hydration of raw soybean by soaking conditions were observed in 17 hrs at 5$^{\circ}C$, 15 hrs at 1$0^{\circ}C$, 11 hrs at 15$^{\circ}C$, 9 hrs at 2$0^{\circ}C$, 7 hrs $25^{\circ}C$, 5 hrs 3$0^{\circ}C$, 4 hrs at 4$0^{\circ}C$ and 3 hrs at 5$0^{\circ}C$. Exudation amounts of total free amino acids and free sugars were the least when soybean was soaked for 2$0^{\circ}C$ for 9 hours.



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