Needs for the Housing Consultation and Information about Housing in Seoul Area

서울시 거주자의 주택상담과 자료 요구도에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1998.06.01


This study aimed to aimed to obtain some basis data for the housing consultation and information about housing through survey of needs for the housing consultation. Respondents were housewives from 395 households living in Seoul area. Questionnaire was used for survey and the collected data were classified by two items such as types of residence and age of housewives. The survey was performed during two weeks in September 1997 and analyzed by frequency mean and percentage using SAS program The finding are as follows; (1) According to the actual conditions of housing consultation the main source of information related to housing was a newspaper Those who had experience detached house had much more opportunities than those of multi-family house. The most frequent agency for housing consultation was a realty dealer showing 65.8%. However the percentage of visiting permanent housing exhibition centers was high among the people aged 20 to 30, noted 20.4%. (2) Level of understanding housing consultation showed 3.45 points among 5. This result indicated that the service system of housing consultation were required. Architects and interior designers were most preferred as specialists whom the respondents wanted to consult with . As to the contents of consultation the most required item was changing of interior space(22.6%). In case the housing information leaflet is sold the respondents were willing to pay 523 won for each of it. (3) Among leaflets related to various information leaflets about housing purchase were most preferred(21.0%) According to the result of the survey the need for the information about housing purchase indicated higher preference than about housing management. The fact could be thought that consumers' consciousness of housing should be changed. Therefore it is desirable to lead consumers to lengthen the expected life span of their house and value happiness of the house by providing them with consulting systems about housing management throug housing consultation materials and development of its programs.
