Anthropometric and Nutrition Status of Institutional Children

사회복지시설 아동의 신체발육 및 영양상태

  • 정혜경 (호서대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 장영은 (호서대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1999.03.01


This study was designed to investigate the malnutrition rate with anthropometric indices for the nutrient intake of 74 children aged 4-12 years old in three child welfare institutions in Cheonan city. The average heights and weights of the children are much lower than the Korean average height and weight. The mean BMI is $17.0{\pm}1.53$. In terms of height-for-age, 16.0% of the samples belong to below -2 standard deviation from the mean of the reference group. In terms of weight-for-age, 16.0% of the children belong to below -2 standard deviation. In terms of weight-for-height, 4.0% of the children belong to below -2 standard deviation. The standard deviation scores(Wt/Age, Ht/Age) indicate negative signs for seventy to eighty percent of the children. This is due to the lower consumption of the important nutrients that children consumed and almost all nutrients much less than the recommended daily allowances. Special nutrition welfare policies and programs targcting child welfare institutions should be developed to provide adequate nutrition for children in residential care.
