An efficient polygonal chian inersection algorithm

점열 곡선의 꼬임을 효율적으로 찾는 알고리즘

  • Published : 1999.09.01


Presented in this paper is an algorithm for finding all intersections among polygonal chains with an O((n+k)·log m) worst-case time complexity, where n is the number of lien segments in the polygonal chains, k is the number of intersections, and m is the number of monotone chains. The proposed algorithm is based on the sweep line algorithm. Unlike the previous polygonal-chain intersection algorithms that are designed to handle special only cases, such as convex polygons or C-oriented polygons, the proposed algorithm can handle arbitrarily shaped polygonal chains having self-intersections and singularities (tangential contact, multiple intersections). The algorithms has been implemented and applied to 1) testing simplicity of a polygon, 2) finding intersections among polygons and 3) offsetting planar point-sequence curves.



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