Study on the Effects of Angelicae sinensis Radix on Thrombosis

血栓症에 미치는 當歸尾의 效能 硏究

Kim, Yeon-Byeon

  • Published : 20000000


This experiment was performed into investigate the effect of Angelicae sinensis Radix on thrombosis. Experimental thrombosis was induced by O.lmg/kg of endotoxin injection into tail vein at one hour after oral administration Angelicae sinensis Radix 28.5M200g and we collected blood by cardiac puncture after 4 hours and observed number of platelet, prothrombin time, volume of fibrinogen and concentration of FDP The results obtained are as follows : 1. Number of the platelet in Angelicae sinensis Radix raised but did nat show the statiscally significant difference with the control group. 2. Prothrombin time in Angelicae sinensis Radix decreased and showed the statiscally significant difference with the control group. 3. Volume of the fibrinogen in Angelicae sinensis Radix raised but didn't show the statiscaily significant difference with the control group. 4. Concentration of the FDP in Angelicae sinensis Radix decreased and showed the statiscally significant difference with the control group. To conclude, it can be inferred that Angelicae sinensis Radix have a control effect on thrombosis.



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