Change of Regional Economic Structure and Industrial Development of Kwangyang Bay Area : $1987{\sim}1996$

광양만권의 공업화와 지역경제의 변화 : $1987{\sim}1996$

Lee, Jeong-Rok

  • Published : 20000400


The purpose of this study is to concern the change of economic structure and regional growth by the industrial development of the Kwangyang bay area, now one of the the typical marine industrial district in Korea. We used the shift-share analysis and regional growth rate differential analysis in order to examine the structural change of regional economic during periods from 1987 to 1996. The research area, Kwangyang bay area, has experienced a rapid population increase, and its economic structure also transformed into the manufacturing and services sector since 1987. Industrial development have a great influence on the industrial employment and indutrial structure in Kwangyang bay area. In particular, regional economy have been changed by the growth of manufacturing sector such as metal industry, Kwangyang Steel &Iron Company and the related firms, construction, and transfortation & storage sector.



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