The Contribution of Home Management Research to Society -Focusing on evaluation of practical characteristics of the research-

가정관리 분야연구의 사회적 기여 -실천 학문적 특성평가를 중심으로-

  • 박명희 (동국대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • Published : 2000.03.01


The purpose of this study is to examine how Home Management era has contributed to social development in this country. For this purpose several famous research Hournals related Home Management era -Korean Journal of Home Economics(1980-1999) Journal of Korean Home Management(1983-1999) Journal of Child Development (1990-1999) Journal of Rarmily Resource Management (1996-1999) Jornal of Family Relations(1996-1999) -were analysed. On this study the evaluating criteria of the research were focused to 1) The outcome of the research can provide proper information and help for general home and families\ulcorner 2) The outcome of the research can provide the proper and helpful information for government policy of family related\ulcorner Among 2820 papers only 10% of them(partially child development era 49 family related era 68 family resource management 64 consumer related 46 and housing related 53 were selected. Conclusionally we have to have more attention to the research topics for policy oriente and helpful for welfare policy for family. For that we need to have more integrated perspectivwe for Home Management era.



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  13. 가정학 원론 이인희
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  15. Philosophical studies of home economics in the United States : Basic ideas by wiich home economics understand themselves East Lansing Brown, M.M.
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