Comparing Health-related Behaviors, Food Behaviors, and the Nutrient Adequacy Ratio of Rural Elderly by Single-elderly Families vs. Extended Families

노인단독가구와 자녀동거가구 농촌노인의 건강관련 행동, 식행동 및 영양소섭취 적정도 비교

  • 김창임 (혜전대학 식품영양과) ;
  • 박영숙 (순천향대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2000.06.01


The aim to this study was to investigated the effects of family type on the health-related behaviors, food behaviors, and nutrient adequacy ratio of the elderly. Studies were performed on 109 home-bound elderly in a rural area of Asan city, in 1996. Subjects were divided into two groups by their family type, one was single-elderly family(n=58) and the other was extended family(n=51). The results obtained by questionaires and personal interviews as follows. 1) The average age 68.6. They served in primary industry, and 89.1% of responders received less than a primary school education. There was no significant difference by family type. 2) Single-elderly family members themselves felt more negative about their health than extended family members. 3)Each nutrient adequacy ratio of single-elderly family/extended family members was 0.72/0.76 of energy, 0.73/0.76 of protein, 0.59/0.66 of Ca, 0.98/0.99 of Fe, 0.62/0.74 of vitamin A, 0.86/0.87 of thiamin, 0.72/0.73 of riboflavin, 0.71/0.77 of niacin, 0.90/0.91 of ascorbic acid, and 0.76/0.80 of Mar. The NAR of vitamin A of the single-elderly family members was significantly lower than for extended family members(p〈0.05). Energy, protein, Ca, vitamin A, riboflavin showed insufficient intake for both groups. The percentage of INQ〈1 of the single-elderly family/extended family members was 45.6/51.0 of protein, 66.7/66.7 of Ca, 64.9/56.9 of vitamin A. By NAR and INQ, the most insufficient nutrient to the elderly in this rural area was Ca. We there for suggest that it is needed for elderly in rural areas to receive of food that is higher ING of Ca.
