생물종 및 서식지 보전의 관점에서 본 대도시의 비오톱 구조분석 -대구광역시 수성구를 중심으로-

An Analysis of Biotope Structure in Terms of Species and Biotope Preservation in Metropolitan Area -In the case of Soosung District in Daegu-

  • 발행 : 2001.02.01


The purpose of this research is to analyze of biotope structure focused on the evaluation for the species and biotope preservation in the case of Soosung District in Daegu metropolitan city. We analyzed the structure of urban biotope, and investigated the disposition of space and several characteristics through the material collection relating to the existing urban ecological material and the field investigation. The results of this study were as follows; 1) The result of biotope type classification was divided into 17 biotope type groups and 90 biotope types belonging to them. 2) The biotope type of mixed forest(QD) has the highest rate in occupation area, 1.764ha and the biotope type of cultivation areas by vinyle-hothouse(KC) has the lowest rate, 0.3ha. 3) In the result of the first evaluation for the species and biotope preservation, biotope types such as QB, QI, PA, PB, NB and NC etc. possess great value. Particulary, these biotope types come from forest areas and transition zone. They have not appeared in the inner of cities. 4) The biotope types such as CA, NA, NB, ND and PB are proved to possess high value in the result of rarity and riskiness evaluation. There appear EE, MA, NB, QC and QD in IV grade which is impossible to have them regenerative. They usually have appeared in forest areas. 5) There emerge 3a biotope type that has the highest value in the result of the second evaluation such as CC, EE, KF, LD, MB, NC, PB, QB and QI etc. Most of them were presented into the large area of site size and were distributed in the forest areas intensively. So, it is certain that the space for the species and biotope preservation connected with residential district is scarce. 6) The detailed biotope plan must be made out specially continuously. It is about biotope spaces that are especially important for the species and biotope preservation from the result of this research. Also, the study on the detailed index settlement of the urban landscape plan based on the biotope map must be continued.



  1. 환경과 조경 no.105 Biotop와 전국그린네트워크 구축방안모색 김귀곤
  2. 환경과 조경 no.105 비오토프조성의 필요성과 자연생태계의 복원 김은식
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  5. 자연보호 v.22 no.3 도시비오톱(Urban Biotope)이란? 나정화
  6. 한국환경생태학회지 v.13 no.2 도시비오톱의 유형분류 및 분석에 관한 연구 나정화
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  8. 대구광역시권 통계 v.1 no.13 대구광역시
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  19. 한국조경학회지 v.28 no.4 우리나라 중소도시 비오톱공간의 조성방안 정문선;이명우
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