Nutrient Intake According to Dietary Attitudes of School Foodservice Dietitians

학교급식 영양사의 식생활 태도에 따른 영양소 섭취상태

  • 윤현숙 (창원대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2001.08.01


This study investigated the correlations between nutrient intake and dietary attitudes in Korean school dietitians. A total of 493 school dietitians working in the Kangwon and Kyungnam areas participated in this study. The subjects were classified as the good group(33.5%), fair group(36.9%) and bad group(29.6%) based on dietary attitude score. The results were as follows. The average intake of energy, calcium, and iron were lower than the Korean RDA and average CPF ratio of energy intake was 64 : 17 : 19. The percent RDAs of nutrient intake of energy, calcium, iron and vitamin B$_1$were lower in the bad group than those in the fair group and good groups(p < 0.001). The mean adequacy ratio(MAR), an index of overall dietary quality, were different among the three groups(p < 0.001), the highest was 0.96 in the good group, the lowest was 0.88 in the bad group. The index of nutritional quality(INQ) was significantly higher in the good group than the other groups. The nutrient intakes were positively correlated with dietary attitudes(p < 0.01). The nutrient intakes, INQ, NAR and MAR were significantly increased as the dietary attitude score increased.
