Effects of Rhynchosiae Semen water extract on Cultured Osteoblast Damaged by XO/HX

鼠目太 煎湯液이 XO/HX에 의해 損傷된 骨芽細胞에 미치는 效果

Park, Chul;Park, Jae-Woong;Kim, Tae-Hee;Cho, Han-Baek;Yoo, Sim-Keun

  • Published : 20020000


To evaluate the effect of Rhynchosiae Semen(RS) water extract on cultured osteoblast inhibited by xanthine oxidase(XO) and hypoxanthine(HX)-induced oxygen radicals, MTT assay, NR assay, LDH activity and ALP activity were carried but after the cultured osteoblast were preincubated with various concentrations of RV water extract for 3 hours prior to exposure of XO/HX. The results obtained were as follows: 1. XO/HX decreased the survival rate of the cultured osteoblast on NR assay and MTT assay. 2. RS water extract has efficacy of decreasing LDH activity. 3. RS water extract has efficacy of decreasing ALP activity. From above the results, it is concluded that RS has marked efficacy as a treatment for the damages caused in the XO/HX-mediated oxidative process.



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