Three cases on OB & GY outpatients treated by Dong's acupuncture therapy

董氏針法을 이용한 婦人科 疾患 治療 3例

KIm Dong-Hwan;Cho Jung-Hoon;Jang JUn-Bock;Jang Kyung-Sub

  • Published : 20020000


Objectives : treated three outpatients who had OB & GY diseases in Kangnam Kirin oriental hospital by Dong's acupuncture therapy and got good results from them. Method : 1. For the first case, the 29-year-old female patient with ovarian cyst and endometriosis was treated from the 18th, February, 2002 to the 8th, April, 2002. Her complaints were dysmenorrhea, lower abdominal pain after menstruation, metrorrhagia, and anxiety, headache and mastalgia befor menstruation. In internal medication, Samultang(四物湯) plus Ijintang(二陳湯) with Persicae Semen(桃仁), Carthami Flos(紅花), Starganii Rhizoma(三稜), and Zedoariae Rhizoma(蓬朮) was used. In acupuncture therapy, Bugua(婦科), Hwanso(還巢), Younggol(靈骨), Mungeum(門金), Junggan(中間), Daegan(大間), and Sogan(小間) were used. 2. For the second case, the 28-year-old female patient was treated from the 11st, April, 2002 to the 21st, April, 2002. Her chief complaint was metrorrhagia. In internal medication, Ikwiseungyangtang(益胃升陽湯) was used. In moxibustion therapy, CV6, CV4, CV3, and Sp6 were used. And in acupuncture therapy, Yukwan(六完) and Biik(鼻翼) were used. 3. For the third case, the 25-year-old female patient was treated from the 16th, February, 2002 to the 20th, March, 2002. Her chief complaint was infertility. In internal medication, Jokyungjongoktang(調經種玉湯) was used. In acupuncture therapy, Bugua(婦科) and Hwanso(還巢) were used. Results and conclusions : If we treat the patients with OB & GY diseases by Dong's acupuncture therapy in many ways, Dong's acupuncture therapy can assist the treatment for OB & GY diseases.



  1. 董氏奇穴針灸學 楊維傑
  2. 董氏奇穴集成 蔡禹錫
  3. 韓方婦人科學 宋炳基
  4. 韓方婦人科學(上) 韓方婦人科學 編纂委員會
  5. 鍼灸別傳奇穴集 莊育民
  6. 董氏針灸奇穴經驗錄 呂財增;林石蜂;張順晶;鄭美麗;鄭振源
  7. 董氏五行刺絡針法 胡丙權