The Clinical Analysis of the Symptoms and Characteristics on 50 Cases of Postmenopause syndromes

갱년기 증후군 여성 환자 50인의 임상 양상 분석

Choi, Jung-Eun;Kim, Ro-Sa;Han, Ji-Young;Cho, Jung-Hun;Chang, Joon-Bok;Lee, Kyung-Sub

  • Published : 20020000


The clinical analysis was done to characterize postmenopausal symptoms by use of the one of worldwide woman's health assesment scales, Kupperman's Index which consisted of qustionnaires about onset, severity and some other characteristics of the postmenopausal symptoms. The patients were chosen from the outpatients at woman's health clinic of Kangnam Kyung Hee Korean hospital from March to May 2001. According to Kupperman's Index analysis. The age ditribution of them was from 42 to 58, of which mean age was 49.9, 31 of them was postmenopause wemen, theire mean age was 50.8. The average time from recognition of symptoms from menopause was 11.2 months. 38$\%$ of them time was found to visit cilnic within 3 months after menopause, although 12$\%$ of them was examined after 6 monthes of menopause. It was suggested that we could get more accurate and practical information about postmenopause symptoms by analyzing clinical cases exactly, which would be very fundamental for more advanced skills to cure them.



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