Examination of postpartum symptoms change on Postpartum admission room

산후조리센터에 입원하였던 산모의 출산후 증상 변화 조사

Choi, Eun-Mi;Cho, Jung-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub

  • Published : 20020000


Objectives : Postpartum care is to help the patient's health and prevent diseases. Theseday, many people desire for postpartum care from the rise of economy level, activity social occupation and reduction of birth. We observed frequency & class of postpartum symptoms, possibility of postpartum care's effect. we intended to convince the importance of postpartum care, to help out the progress of approach and effect to oriental medicine care. Method : We have studied 50 women in childbirth, who had been adm. at Conmaul Oriental hospital(department of postpartum care room) from Oct. 2001 to Jan. 2002, by connecting on phone with these patient after 5 month from birth. We used statistics of Pearson bivariate correlation analysis & Student t-test. Results The results are as follows 1. As the numbers of admission's and discharge's Cheif complaint(C/C) gets more larger, the patients gets more and more symptoms after 5 month from birth. 2. Frequency of postpartum symptoms, the group which continued postpartum care after discharge day is reduced rather than the group the group which discontinued postpartum care after discharge day. 3. Frequency of postpartum symptoms had no concerned with come back time to work & duration of breast feeding.



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