Planning Linkage System Between Urban Planning and Environmental Planning

우리나라 공간계획과 환경계획간 연계체제 및 실태분석

Lee, Sang-Dae;Song, In-Ju

  • Published : 2002.12.31


It has become an important issue nowadays for sustainable environmental friendly development and conservation of land how urban planning and environment planning play roles each other and how both are interrelated. It's high time to be concerned deliberately the urban and environment planning system which has been established and administrated separately, if necessary, how the linkage would be structuralized between both of them. Reviewing the urban and environment plan system and centents of plans, the linkage of both planning is very weak in its basic legal system and the result of its establishment is lack in its inter-relationship. National Territory Fundamental Act and Act on the National Land and Urban Planning about urban planning field, and the Environment Policy Fundamental Act about environmental planning field etc. are required to be readjusted as well as to be sophisticated technically in the results of environmental field survey, and the form and design of environmental planning, and the scale of planning maps.



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