The prevalence of dental caries among confectionary female workers

과자제조여성근로자의 치아우식경험도에 관한 조사연구

Koh, Dae-Ho;Kim, Johng-Bai;Paik, Dai-Il;Moon, Hyock-Soo

  • Published : 20020300


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of working environments on dental caries of confectionery workers who had been exposed to much sugar. Dental examination had been surveyed to 105 female workers served at confectionery process and 105 female workers served at clothing and mobile-phone manufacturing processes as a control group. DMF scores and the frequency of toothbrushing per day were examined. The DMFT rate, DMFT index, DT index, MT index, FT index, DT rate, MT rate, FT rate, and the average frequency of toothbrushing per day according to occupations and duration of employment were calculated and analyzed. Conclusions of this study summarized as follows: 1. There was no statistical difference in DMF scores between the confectionary female workers and the control group. 2. There was no statistical evidence that the exposure to sugar affected prevalence of dental caries in the confectionary female workers.3. The DT index, MT index, and DT rate of confectionary female workers were higher than those of the clothing and mobile-phone manufacturing female workers. 4. The FT rate of confectionary female workers was lower than that of the clothing and mobile-phone manufacturing female workers. 5. The frequency of toothbrushing per day of confectionary female workers was less than that of the clothing and mobile-phone manufacturing female workers. 6. It is, therefore, necessary for confectionary female workers to be periodic oral health education.



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