A Study on Market Segmentation according to Volleyball Consumer for the Target Marketing

배구경기 관람객의 라이프스타일에 따른 시장세분화에 관한 연구

Lee, Se-Ho

  • Published : 20020000


This Study was to analysis market segmentation of volleyball consumer for the target marketing. Based on the result, suggestions for establishing effective marketing strategies were made. The reliability of questionnaires used in this study was Cronbach` α=.65∼.85. The statistics were factor analysis, duster analysis, crosstab analysis, one-way ANOVA. The following shows the conclusion : First, the market of volleyball had positive consumption, middle consumption, negative consumption. Second, volleyball consumer group had 3 segmentation according to lifestyle trait in the consumption type. First segmentation market was negative consumer group. Second segmentation market was positive consumer group. Third segmentation market was middle consumer group. Third, According to demographic segmentation, positive consumer group turnd out female, 30 age, over graduate, white-roller job, income 100-150. negative consumer group turnd out male, 20 age, high school, housekeeper, income 151-200.



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