Psoas Abscess and Discitis after Intradiscal Nucleoplasty

추간판내 수핵 성형술(Intradiscal Nucleoplasty) 후 발생한 요근의 농양 및 추간판염

Oh, Wan-Soo;Park, Yeong-Ok;Shim, Woo-Seok;Wie, Hee-Wook;Woo, Chul-Ho

  • Published : 20020600


Nucleoplasty is a newly developed minimal invasive spinal surgery using a coblation technique. The complications of this new spinal surgery are trauma to retroperitoneal organs involving the kidney, discitis, menigitis, and epidural abscess. Recently, postoperative psoas abscess and discitis appears to have increased in frequency, in part because procedures performed on the spine have been more frequent and improvements in diagnostic capabilities have been made. Antibiotic therapy, abscess drainage, or a surgical procedure is required to treat discitis and psoas abscess. We encountered one case of postoperative psoas abscess and discitis after a nucleoplasty that had not responded to antibiotics but which responded successfully to treatment by spinal surgery.



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