Development and Validation of The Psychological Skill Questionnaire in Sport

스포츠 심리기술 질문지 개발과 타당화

Yoo, Jin;Hur, Jung-Hun

  • Published : 20020000


The purpose of this study was to develop Psychological Skill Questionnaire in Sport (PSQS) through qualitative and quantitative research methodology. Items of the measurement (10 factors and 156 items) were initially made by content analysis of open-ended questions and pare-studies. Finally, 29 items were completed by analysis of preliminary statistics. The result of item analysis and exploratory factor analysis indicated that 7 factors and 28 items were supported. As a result of confirmatory analysis, fit index was relatively low, but it was improved by model modification(CFI=.89, NNFI=.86, RMR=.053). Cronbach` a was .71-.82 and internal consistency was approved. Therefore, this study suggested that PSQS would be used a questionnaire for psychological skill acquiring theoretical and cultural validity. The following study will be required to confirm construct and concurrent validity.



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