The Effects of Aerobics and Aerobics Combined with Circuit Weight Training on Body Composition , Blood Lipids , Serum Leptin and Heart Rate Recovery in Obese Children

유산소 운동과 유산소 및 Circuit Weight Training 복합훈련이 비만 초등학생의 신체조성, 혈중지질, Leptin 및 심박 회복능력에 미치는 영향

Kwon, In-Chang;Oh, Jae-Keun;Shin, Young-Oh;Yoon, Sung-Min;Lee, Jeong-Pil;Kim, Young-Joo;Kwon, Ki-Wook

  • Published : 20020000


This study is designed to investigate the influence of aerobics and aerobics combined with circuit weight training (CWT) on obese children`s body composition, blood lipids, serum leptin, and heart rate recovery. For this study, 12 obese students (10 to 12 yrs) at three elementary schools located in Seoul were recruited for 12 weeks. These subjects were divided into two groups; aerobics exercise group(AG), aerobics with circuit weight training group(ACG). AG practiced the aerobic exercise with treadmill and bicycle ergometer 50minutes per day, ACG practiced the aerobic exercise and circuit weight training during the same time. CWT consisted of the dumbbell and the subjects` own body weigh at a level of 30-60% 1RM. The results were as follows: 1. The survey shows that in light of body composition, the subjects showed a slight decrease in weight. Both groups showed that the tendency in body fat rate and fat mass was to decrease while lean body mass increased. Also, there was statistically a significant difference (p<.001) in accordance with the period. 2. The study revealed that in Wino of blood lipids and glucose, the two groups showed a decrease in TC, LDL-C, TG, glucose but an increase in HDL-C after the treatment period. There was a statistically significant difference (p<.001) in the effects based on the period. 3. The study also indicates that in the light of leptin, the two groups showed a decrease after 12 weeks. There was a statistically significant difference (p<.001) in accordance with the period. 4. In both groups, rest heart rate and heart rate recovery were decreased and recovery ratio at 10minute increased after 12 weeks. The effect was significantly different according to the workout term (p<.001). The above findings suggest that it`s required to develop both an aerobic workout with a variety of appropriate resistance training programs to provide a more effective care for obese children during this growth period.



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