Epidemiologic study on Systemic Contact Dermatitis Due to Ingestion of Rhus

옻닭에 의한 전신성 접촉피부염의 역학적 연구

Yun, Seok-Kweon;Ko, Ki-Bong;Song, Il-Moon;Choi, Seon-Phil;Ihm, Chull-Wan

  • Published : 20020300


Background : Dermatitis occurring after ingestion of the urushiol chicken is quite common in Korea. Although many cases of the systemic contact dermatitis due to urushiol chicken have already been reported, systemic study on its epidemiology is not done yet. Objective : To elucidate the demography of the eaters of the urushiol chicken with its general understandings in society and the incidence of the resultant systemic dermatitis. Methods : By the help of the patients who developed the dermatitis, all the persons who ate it together with the patients were interviewed. Results & Conclusion : 1. 171 eaters of the urushiol chicken(125 male and 46 female) were enrolled in this study(M:F = 3.1:1). The age group in 4th decade was the most common in male, the 5th decade in female. The age prevalence of the systemic contact dermatitis corresponded to the age prevalence of the eater. 2. Incidence rate of systemic contact dermatitis among the eaters was 32.2%(55/171). Incidence rate according to each age group were as follows : 0% in 2nd decade, 33.3% in the 3rd decade, 32.4% in 4th decade, 32.8% in 5th decade, 33.3% in 6th decade, 25% in the 7th decade. 3. One third(57/171) of the eaters ate the urushiol chicken to strengthen their internal organs, especially stomach, which they believed to be weak 70 persons(40.9%) ate it at home, 101 persons(59.1%) ate it at a restaurant. 4. Out of 67 persons having past history of allergic contact dermatitis to Rhus tree, 28 persons(41.8%) showed systemic contact dermatitis. Out of 104 persons without past history of allergy to Rhus, 27 persons(26.0%) showed contact dermatitis.



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