A Study on the Setting up Method of Subway Access/Egress Area by Walking and its Application

지하철 도보역세권 설정방법과 적용에 관한 연구


  • Published : 20020000


This study have proceeded on purpose to face up to the reality of subway user's characteristics, then put the concept of subway access/egress area right and consider the method of setting up subway access/egress area on the basis of analysis of subway user's characteristics.(access/egress mode/time) As there was no politic direction in existing study, it was impossible to develop the urban space around subway access/egress area and forecast the volume of subway demand accurately. Therefore this study examined the existing studies and analyzed the accessibility to subway station by access/egress time. Also this study developed the concept of three factors(Size, Shape, Potential) for setting up subway access/egress area and considered the method of dividing the duplicated subway access/egress area. On the basis of this results this study was come to a conclusion by testing a correlation analysis between walking access/egress area and walking access/egress travel demand in Daegu subway line 1.



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