An Analysis of their Importance Degree and Ordinal Correlation of Rural Resource for the Rural Amenity

농촌어메니티에 기초한 농촌자원 중요도 평가 및 순위적 관계 분석


  • Published : 20020000


The real value of rural amenity resources is decided by their consumers that mainly consists of rural residents and visitors. The concept of rural amenity covers the psychological construct like who can use it and what kind of benefits they can take by using it, which is beyond just resource itself. The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance degree of the living resource (LR) for rural residents and the tourism resource (TR) for visitors respectively, and then conduct the correlation analysis between both ordinal rankings. The rural resources (37 items selected), which are divided into three categories (natural, cultural, and social category), are considered to have a direct or indirect influence on making rural amenity. The ordinal correlation coefficient between LR and TR in the whole group is low as 0.299 and also not significant statistically. This shows that the ordinal value of LR is different from that of TR in the same resource, which is also confirmed by the fact that 56.8% of resources are not equal statistically in average of important degree between LR and TR through t-test. So it is desirable to consider the specific user group(residents or visitors) and their value to make a decision on development directions for rural resources. Furthermore, rural resources are divided into 4 types (typeⅠ to Ⅳ) by performing the standard score analysis. The type Ⅰ category is in above average of both LR and TR, type Ⅱ in above average of only LR, type Ⅲ in above average of only TR, but type Ⅳ in below average of both LR and TR.



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