Tropopause undulation associated with explosive development of a cyclone

급격히 발달하는 저기압과 관련된 대류권계면 파상운동

Lee, Hong-Ran;Kim, Kyung-Eak;Yoo, Jung-Moon;Lee, Woo-Jin

  • Published : 20021000


The development and structure of the tropopause undulation were investigated on explosive development of a cyclone(-16 hPa/12 hr) occurred on 1 January 1997, which was responsible for heavy snowfall and strong wind in Korean Peninsula. The analysis were made employing NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, GMS water vapor images, and surface and upper level(300 hPa) charts. The tropopause undulation was examined using a dynamic tropopause of 1.6 PVU. Analysis of surface and upper charts show that, during the undulation, surface low was located on cyclonic shear side of the jet streams at upper level, and the looping pattern of jet stream was a circular shape with a high curvature. In addition, a cutoff low was found on the upper level chart of 500 hPa during the tropopause undulation. Water vapor images indicate that a region of very dry air(dark region) was located over the southwest of the center of rapidly developing cyclone. This dark region was consistent with positive anomaly of potential vorticity on isentropic surface of 305K. A detailed analysis suggests that the rapidly developing cyclone accompanied with heavy snowfall and strong wind was caused partly by the tropopause undulation, and that both convective instability and conditional symmetric instability were responsible for the occurrence of the storm. Tropopause was descended to 670 hPa for three days from 0000 UTC 31 December 1996 to 1800 UTC 2 January 1997.



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