A Case of Scar Sarcoidosis Treated with Doxycyline

Doxycycline으로 치료한 피부 반흔 유육종증 1예

Ko, Joo Youn;Lee, Chang Woo

  • Published : 20021200


Scar sarcoidosis is a rarely encountering variant of cutaneous sarcoidosis and its pathogenesis is still unknown. When inactive scars that have been quiescent for years develop a red or purple hue with induration, we should doubt whether they become infiltrated with sarcoid granuloma or not. We report herein a 45-year-old patient with recurrent scar sarcoid, who shows indurated plaques on the right chin and raised serum level of angiotensin converting enzyme, although there was no evidence of systemic involvement. She was treated with oral doxycycline of moderate doses and skin lesions were cleared after 9 months of treatment.



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