Young Adults′Perceptions of Meanings and Motivations of Parenthood

부모됨의 의미와 동기에 대한 청년의 인식

  • 유계숙 (한국가족상담교육연구소) ;
  • 정현숙 (상명대학교 가족복지학과)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


This study analyses young adults'perceptions of the meanings and motivations of parenthood. It also verifies the relationship between the meanings and motivations of parenthood by young adults. The sample population included 311 university students. Our findings show that young adults perceived parenthood variously as a personal lifestyle, and as an statement of social maturation and sound mind and of marital satisfaction. There were no differences by gender in their perceptions on the meaning of parenthood. As for the motivation to become parents, strengthening biological family ties, traditional norms, emotional and altruistic reasons, deepening marital bonds, and perpetuating one's self through the passing on of genes. Among these, altruistic-emotional motivation and marital cohesion were stronger than other motivations. Finally, we provide recommendations for future research.



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