The Effects of Smoking, Drinking and Exercise on Autioxidant Vitamin Intakes and Plasma Antioxidant Status in Elderly People Living in Ulsan

울산지역 노인의 생활습관에 따른 항산화 영양소 섭취실태 및 혈액내 항산화 영양 상태 비교

  • 김미정 (서울여자대학교 식품과학부 식품영양학) ;
  • 김옥현 (서울여자대학교 식품과학부 식품영양학) ;
  • 김정희 (서울여자대학교 식품과학부 식품영양학)
  • Published : 2002.08.01


Body antioxidant status is an important factor in the prevention of many chronic diseases caused by oxidative stress, especially in the elderly and is affected by health-related habits, such as smoking, drinking and regular physical activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between these health-related habits and plasma antioxidant status in the elderly. Plasma antioxidant status was examined by determining plasma levels of antioxidant vitamins (vitamin C, A, E, $\beta$ -carotene), total antioxidant status (TAS) and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) . The subjects included 225 elderly persons aged over 60 yews (63 males, 162 females) living in the Ulsan area. They were interviewed to collect data on their general characteristics and health behaviors such as smoking, exercise and alcohol consumption by means of questionnaires. Their dietary intakes were obtained by means of semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) The study population was divided into two or three groups according to their smoking, drinking, and exercise status. The ratio of smoker, drinker and exerciser was 16.7%, 31.0% and 44.2% respectively. The dietary antioxidant vitamin intakes were not significantly different among groups of smoking and drinking status, but tended to be higher in non-smokers and non-drinkers than in smokers and drinkers. Plasma vitamin C and $\beta$ -carotene levels were significantly higher in non-smokers, but Plasma vitamin A and TBARS levels were significantly lower in non-smokers than in smokers. Plasma TAS was not significantly different among the smoking groups, but showed a tendency to decrease with an increase in the number of packyear. Plasma vitamin C and $\beta$ -carotene levels of the non-drinkers were higher than those of drinkers and past-drinkers, but plasma vitamin A, C, E, TAS and TBARS showed no difference among the groups of drinker. All vitamin intakes of the exercisers were slightly higher than those of the non-exercisers, but vitamin C intake was significantly higher in female exercisers than in non-exercisers. Plasma $\beta$ -carotene levels were significantly higher in male exercisers and plasma vitamin A, C, E, TAS and TBARS levels tended to be higher in exercisers than in non-exercisers. These results suggested that change to non-smoker, modulation of alcohol consumption and regular exercise could enhance antioxidant defences against reactive oxygen species and might increase the likelihood of a healthier life span.



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