Role of Distance Learning Self-Efficacy in Predicting User Intention to Use and Performance of Distance Learning System

학습자의 원격교육시스템 이용 의도와 성과에 대한 원격교육 자기효능감의 역할

  • 유일 (순천대학교 경영통상학부) ;
  • 황준하 (조선대학교 경영학과)
  • Published : 2002.09.30


This paper examines the role of distance learning self-efficacy, belief in one's capabilities of using a system in the accomplishment of web-based distance learning, in predicting user intention to use and performance of distance learning system. It used self-efficacy theory and technology acceptance model(TAM) to build a model that predicts relationships between antecedents to students' distance learning self-efficacy assessments and their behavioral and attitudinal consequences. The model was tested using LISREL analysis on the sample of 250 students who have worked with the Distance Learning System. The results indicated partial support for the conceptual model. In accordance with TAM, perceived usefulness had strong direct effects on intention to use and performance, while perceived ease of use had both direct and indirect effects on intention to use, but not performance. Distance learning self-efficacy had only direct effect on perceived ease of use to use. Computer experience was found to have a strong positive effect on distance learning self-efficacy, and computer anxiety had a negative effect on distance learning self-efficacy. Implications of these findings are discussed for researchers and practitioners.



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