A Kinematic Analysis of Uchi-mata(inner thigh reaping throw) by Kumi-kata types in Judo

유도 맞잡기 타입에 따른 허벅다리걸기의 Kinematic 분석[I]

  • Published : 2002.04.30


The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variables when Uchi-mata(inner thigh reaping throw) performing by Kumi-kata(engagement position, basic hold) types A, B(A: grasping part-behind neck lapel, B: chest lapel) in Judo with three dimensional analysis technique DLT method by videography. The subjects were four male judokas who have been training in Yong-In University(YIU), on Korean Representative level and Uchi-mata is their tokui-nage(favorite technique), the throwing form was filmed on two S-VHS 16mm video camera( 30frame/sec. Panasonic). Kinematic variables were temporal, posture, and COG. The data collection was performing by Uchi-mata. Six good trials were collected for each condition (type A, B) among over 10 trials. The mean values and the standard deviation for each variable were obtained and used as basic factors for examining characteristics of Uchi-mata by Kumi-kata types. The results of this analysis were as follows : 1) Temporal variables The total time elapsed(TE) by Uchi-mata of types A, B were 1.45, 1.56 sec. respectively. Types A shorter than B. 2) Posture variables In performing of Uchi-mata, the range of flexion in type A, left elbow was $45^{\circ}$ and B was $89^{\circ}$ from Event 2(E2) to Event 6(E6). Type A and B were quite different in right elbow angle in Event1(E1). Left shoulder angle of type A was extended and type B was flexed in E4. Both types right shoulder angles were showed similar pattern. Also both hip angles(right/left) were showed similar pattern. When type A performed Uchi-mata the knee-angle of supporting foot showed $142^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of kake phase[KP], and extended to $147^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. And the foot-ankle angle of supporting foot showed $83^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $86^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. moreover, The knee angle of attacking foot showed $126^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $132^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP, and the foot-ankle angle of attacking foot showed $106^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $121^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. When type B performed Uchi-mata the knee-angle of supporting foot showed $144^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $154^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. And the foot-ankle angle of supporting foot showed $83^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $92^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. moreover, The knee angle of attacking foot showed $132^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $140^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP, and the foot-ankle angle of attacking foot showed $103^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $115^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. During Uchi-mata performing, type A showed pulling pattern and type B showed lift-pulling pattern. As Kumi-kata types, it were different to upper body(elbow, shoulder angle), but mostly similar to lower body(hip, knee, ankle angle) on both types. 3) C. O. G. variables When the subjects performed Uchi-mata, COG of type A, B up and down in vertical aspect was 71cm, 73.8cm in height from the foot in the 2nd stage of KP. As Kumi-kata types, it were different on medial-lateral direction aspect but weren't different in Kuzushi phase on vertical direction aspect.



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