Hong Dae-Yong and Engineering Education

홍대용과 공학교육

  • Rho Tae-Cheon (Technology Education, College of Engineering, Chungnam National University)
  • 노태천 (충남대학교 공과대학 기술교육과)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


The 18th century Joseon(朝鮮) science philosopher Hong Dae-Yong(洪大容, 1731-83) tried to create his own scientific system, while partially keeping the Eastern view of nature and accepting Western science and technology. Most of all, he confirmed that Western science and technology was based on mathematical principles and accurate observation and wrote a math book, [Juhaesuyong(籌解需用)]. Therefore, we have good reason to call him a mathematician. He produced so many achievements that he can be considered a natural scientist in the late Joseon era; he accepted the Eastern view of nature critically and sometimes refused it. He also suggested new and various scientific thoughts, including an infinite universe theory, on the basis of Western scientific thought. Hong Dae-Yong emphasized the importance of practice. He understood the principle of the Western Honcheonui(渾天儀) and manufactured an alarm clock with a craftsman's help. He was an excellent engineer and he set a personal observatory. Considering the level of scientific technology at that time, it is reasonable to regard Hong Dae-Yong as a 'scientific technologist in the 18th century Joseonera', well equipped as a mathematician, a natural scientist, and an engineer. In conclusion, it is with 'mathematical thinking, creative conception, and practical activities' that Hong Dae-Yong maintained throughout his life that we can set a guide to produce excellent Korean scientific technologists and engineers in the 21st century.

홍대용은 서양의 과학기술이 수학적 원리와 정밀한 관측에 근거하고 있음을 확인하고, [주해수용(籌解需用)]이라는 수학책을 저술함으로써 수학자로 일컬을 만 하다. 그리고, 홍대용은 동양의 자연관과 우주관을 비판적으로 수용 검토하고, 서양의 과학사상에 근거하여 무한우주설을 포함한 여러 가지 진취적 과학사상을 제시함으로써, 조선후기의 자연과학자로 인정할 수 있는 업적을 남겼다. 또한, 실천을 중요시한 홍대용은 서양식 혼천의와 자명종을 이해?수용하고 기술자의 도움을 받아 제작하여, 자신의 개인관측소(籠水閣)에 설치할 정도로 기술자로서의 면모도 갖추었다. 홍대용의 과학자 및 기술자로서의 측면을 통하여, '수학적 사고, 창의적 구상, 실천적 활동' 등을 21세기 한국의 우수한 기술자를 양성하기 위한 교육방향으로 설정하여도 좋을 것으로 판단된다.



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