A Study on the Food Culture of the Festival for Elderly Person's $60^{th}$ Birthday (Hoegap) and Marriage Anniversary (Hoehon) Appearing in the 18th Century Painting of the Chosun Period

18세기(世紀) 조선시대(朝鮮時代) 회갑연(回甲宴)과 회혼예(回婚禮) 회화(繪畵)에 나타난 식생활(食生活) 문화(文化)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • Koh, Kyung-Hee (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 고경희 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.30


The Chosun Dynasty in the $18^{th}$ century was a period of revival for science, art, and culture, bringing about Silhak(practical science), a new trend in the history of Chosun thoughts. In the history of fine arts, realistic landscape paintings and genre paintings were popular as realism became prevalent. From the aspect of food culture, in particular, the luxurious and elegant Korean-styled food culture was completed during this period. Iwanwasuseoksihoedo was painted by Jeong Hwang (1735-1800) in 1789, depicting a banquet on an elder's $60^{th}$ birthday. It is classified as a genre painting in the late Chosun Period but it contains things that comes into our heart, which are white porcelain with blue celadon pictures, white porcelain bowls, busy atmosphere of a banqueting house where food is being carried in a hurry and elders' serene appearance. All these things show the abundance of life, the room and comfort of old ages, and the beauty and relish of life in the well-arranged living ground. Hoehonyedo was painted on an elder's $60^{th}$ marriage anniversary by an unknown artist presumably in the $18^{th}$ century is a painting as realistic as a documentary photograph. The work gives viewers pleasure and comfort because it describes not a mighty clan but the superb later years of an official who had lived right and upright life. In the aspect of food culture, it displays the food culture of the splendid sixtieth marriage anniversary of a Korean official through noble etiquette among family members, seat planning, unique table culture and high quality tableware including white porcelain with celadon pictures and pure white porcelain.



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