Relationship between Participation on Leisure Sports Activity, and Self-Actualization

생활체육활동 참가와 자아실현의 관계

Jang, Ho-Jung;Kim, Young-Su;Kim, Jong-Back

  • Published : 20030000


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between participation in leisure sport activities and self-actualization. To accomplish this research purpose, there were two research questions: 1) Is there difference on self-actualization according to the presence of participation in leisure sport activities? and 2) Will the degree of participation in leasure sport activities influence the level of self-actualization? This study aims at figuring out the relationship of participation on leisure sports activity, and self-actualization. Firstly, the difference self-actualization, the leisure sports activity participant, Secondly, the influence self-actualization the leisure sports activity participant degree. The population for this study was participants in public and private sport centers located in Seoul. The final 376 responses (Male 179, Female 197), collected by cluster random selecting method, were used in the data analysis procedure. The items for measuring self-actualization were largely based on Min (1986)s study, and the degree of participation in leisure sport activities was measured by the period, frequence, and intensity of participation. To analyze the final data (376), the reliability analysis, analysis of covariance, multiple classification analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used. The conclusions for this study were as followings: 1) There were statistically significant differences on both sum of self-actualization and sub-factors of actualization (potential ability development, ability display, and realization of an ideal), according to the presence of participation in leisure sport activities. That is, the participants in leisure sport activities were higher in the level of self-actualization than non-participants. 2) The degree of participation in leisure sport activities partially influenced the level of self-actualization. The results represented that only the period of participation positively influenced both sum of self-actualization and sub-factors of actualization (potential ability development, ability display, and realization of an ideal). While, there were no significant relationships between the frequence and intensity of participation and self-actualization.



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