Effects of Herbal Composition on Obese a High Fat Diet

비만관련 한약혼합제제의 비만에 대한 효과

Gang, Sun-A;Jang, Gi-Hyo;Park, Seong-Gyu;Im, Jong-Pil;Jeon, Hun;Choi Hun;Im, Gang-Hyeon

  • Published : 20030000


Objectives : This study was designed to investigate the effects of herbal composition on obese rats induced by high fat diet(@% of calories). Methods : Body weight, fat mass, and serum cholesterol were measured to find out the activity of herbal composition. Serum AST and ALT were tested to check the toxicity as well. Results : Treatment of herbal composition significantly decreased the weight gain and epididymal fat mass compared to control group. Serum total cholesterol level was significantly reduced by herbal containing diet. Also, herbal composition promoted the ratio of HDL cholesterol and total cholesterol. Conclusion : Results of this study showed that herbal composition might reduce body weight, body fat mass and improve the lipid composition in the obese rats fed high fat diet.



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