Study for the standardization of Pyritum and comparison composition before and after using processed method on pyritum

自然銅(산골)의 품질표준화 및 抱製 전후의 성분 비교

Kook Yoon-Bum

  • Published : 20030000


Objectives: This experimental study has been done to compare the pyritum's composition before and after using processing method. Pyritum has a quality for strengthening the bones and binding the muscles, alleviating pain by removing blood stasis, also. Methods: I studied the natural copper and processed natural copper by vinegar to compare the compositions and its' character. Results: Natural copper(pyritum) is a pyrite which has a sulfide mineral. Natural copper(pyrite) contains a main ingredients $Fe_2O_3$>60.00%. Processed natural copper which is heated and soaked in vinegar changes to hematite and small ingredients which ratio is changed to high but not significantly changed in $SiO_2, Al_2O_3$. Conclusion: Pyritum is supposed to be a natural products (natural copper) or an oriental medical sulfide mineral (chalcopyrite) of an oriental medical oxide(cuprite) and a steel sulfide which contains copper(pyrite), in fact, pyrite is a steel sulfide and limonite is oxided from pyrite.



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